First Anchor Risk Management Limited sponsors staff for energy course.
First Anchor Risk Management Limited has been sponsoring its staff to participate in the Willis Masters of Energy Course in London, United Kingdom.
The move forms part of efforts by the indigenous insurance brokerage company to position itself to be able to provide unparalleled insurance advisory services to its customers as well position itself in the oil and gas sector.
The company has already sponsored a number of its employees to participate in the Willis Masters of Energy Course as part of its commitment to the development of its human capital.
The Willis Masters of Energy Course entails a comprehensive introduction to risk management and insurance across the energy industry, covering the upstream and downstream oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
It is targeted at insurance professionals and risk managers with enormous experience in the insurance and energy industries.
Areas covered in the course included the Structure of the Energy Industry, exploration, production, refining, contractual risk analysis, energy risk analysis and insurance for exploration operations, she said.
Other areas included Insurance for production operations, refining and petrochemical, construction, loss adjusting, energy claims and role of the broker.