Quality financial security solutions in Ghana.
Quality financial security solutions in Ghana.
Providing The Best Services
First Anchor Risk Management Ltd. Provides high quality insurance broking services. We take pride knowing that over the past few years we have helped our client to find the best insurance coverage at the right price that suits their needs and expectations. In the event of any claim our clients know that we are there to provide help and counsel to ensure a speedy claims settlement.
Risk Placement
Risk Management
Claim Management
Technical Advice
what makes us different
Free Services
We provide Clients with various solutions to their insurance problems at absolutely no cost. This is done through the offer of
- Professional insurance advice
- Risk management services
- Competitive premium rates
- Prompt claim retrieval
- Flexibility in the selection of an insurer
- Selection of insurance products to meet specific client needs
- Timely response to clients’ requests
what makes us different
Independent & Professional
As an independent company, we are not tied to any one particular insurer. This status allows us deliver to our clients, the best products at the most competitive prices to suit their specific requirements.
Our professionalism and customer service have earned us a good reputation, not only amongst our existing clients, but also amongst our competitors and regulators. First Anchor Risk Management is staffed by some of the finest brains with proven experience in insurance and relevant professions.
Latest News & Press Release

7th IBAG Conference calls for major reforms in the insurance sector
Our management team took part in the seventh edition of the Insurance Brokers Association of Ghana (IBAG) conference. An exhibition held in Tamale with a

Human resource development
First Anchor Risk Management Limited sponsors staff for energy course. First Anchor Risk Management Limited has been sponsoring its staff to participate in the Willis